Dr. J.K. Joseph specialises in medical oncology focusing on systemic anti-cancer therapies notably chemotherapy, targeted cancer therapy and immunotherapy for all cancers with a special interest in lung cancer, breast cancer, and gastrointestinal cancer. He uses an integrative approach encompassing Best Oncological practice along with encouraging patient's lifestyle measures, supportive care and selected complimentary therapies for patients with advanced cancer.

Dr. Joseph graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin, Ireland in 1988 and began his postgraduate training the following year in Internal Medicine in the United Kingdom for 4 years. He then remained in the UK for a clinical apprenticeship in Medical Oncology at the prestigious Christie Hospital in Manchester before returning to Malaysia where he was a Specialist in Medical Oncology at Hospital Kuala Lumpur from 1994 to 1998. . After this, he was appointed Consultant medical Oncologist at Normah Medical Specialist Centre, Kuching, Sarawak. Dr Joseph received the MRCP (UK) postgraduate diploma in 1993.

He was appointed Consultant medical Oncologist in pantai hospital,Kuala Lumpur, and later became a Consultant at Sunway medical centre.He has presented numerous papers at national and regional meetings and published a couple of articles in the medical journals and newsletters. He has had several briefattachments with centres of excellence such as the Mayo clinic, minnesota,USA , which was a formal affiliation during his appointment at Normah Medical centre. He serves on several committees including the morbidity/mortality commitees on both hospitals.

He received the Certificate of Competency for Medical Oncology from the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) and is a member of the latter society. He also became a member of the Academy of Medicine, Malaysia in 2003 and was an EXCO of Malaysian Oncology Society from 2004 to 2006. He is a life member of the Malaysian Oncology Society as well as the Malaysian Medical Association.

Jadwal Janji